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Monday, 31 December 2018

Meaning of life

What is it the real essence of living? 

   Why do we live or so to say. Do we really know that we are living? That sounds funny, but what then is the outcome of our lives. Are we destined to die. What happens when we cease to exist. How did we came to existence in any case.
  These are questions that requires critical rational thinking to come in terms with. Try this small experiment at your peaceful time. Ask via text message to all your contacts what life is. I bet all the responses you will get, will be totally different.

Several answers have been proposed basing on different aspects of life, ranging from Theological, Scientific and even Philosophical approaches down the ages.
Theologies reviews concepts like body having a soul and the presence of supernatural beings controlling forces of the earth. Life is viewed as a substance that human being is given by this supernaturals and can be taken away.
Here, life is doing good and pleasing the gods. This is however counteracted by scientists who claims that life is just a phenomenal occurrence. Life in any case as from a scientific point of view, is a combination of forces of the nature.
Philosophical approach dictates that we should engage our minds for us to understand what life really is and that which is expected from us.

Life is the state of an organism preceeding their death according to biology of living things.
When someone is undergoing challenges, sentiments like 'life is not fair,' 'life is hard, ' could be heard from them. This will not go to another person who will relax and say life is easy.

Coming to understand the meaning of life, i think we should view our daily activities and assess them later on. This may help mirror what the broad life is all about.
For example, a graduate may give an account of his/her life in campus. That goes to other categories like a divorced couple and even a person who has recovered from drug addiction et cetera.
These however portrays life as a period of time. Does this mean life is jus but a time?
Come think of this, life has the aspects of performing certain activities that enfluences the environment at specific time.
I observe life being a self realization of our own abilities that we influences the sorounding environment. Life is all about how one reacts on the changes that comes on them. This is the responce towards both humanity and the material things.
I tend to believe that we are meant to change the world in our own way. Just as the very many different answers you get after asking the meaning of life to all your contacts, so does what we conceive in our minds do differ.
All we have to do is put into practice what we formulate in our mind. That's what life really is. Thanks. 

Friday, 21 December 2018

Defining Love

Our streets are flooded With pairs walking in the name of being in love. We spend time with our friends and families trying to prove that we love them. Social media has often been used as a platform where lovers will try to show how they real feel for one another. Although such an act sometimes is used to deceive the larger group 'the real me.' So what is love. Is love a movement? Is it merely a feeling? Is love all about how you take care for an individual or something else? It becomes quite difficult coming with a cognitive understanding of something that everyone hold their own stand about. To understand what actually love is, we should get to understand it's phases, which are; 1) Introduction. This is stage at which an individual encounters the prospect lover - either another person or anything else, be it an object inclusive a diety. The sense of sight functions without approval nor denial. What apeals to the 'self'the moves to the next stage. 2) Development phase. The mind will define what was conceived at first. The state of mind is at constant thinking about it all time. A decision shall be made at the end. For example how person x had worn will influence his/her decision. The individual will display different characters. For example a person may start dressing like nuns after being convinced that the religion touches him/her. 3) Action phase. This stage is where an individual fully identifies with they are fallen in love with. Actions are displayed. For example someone who felt in love with a particular religion starts attending services fully. 4) Declination phase. This stage is a crucial one as the individual finds in most demeaning situations. This stage is where 'true' love is shown. Conclusion; Love is an imaginable feeling. There are two parties involved. All these parties are united by an objective which acts like their mission. All the parties work on being successful. Love is that deep feeling of deep affection between individuals or/and physical things where souls merge in attempt to satisfy themselves.